Children’s Ministry Vision & Values

To love God with all their heart through prayer & praise,
To love God with all their mind by learning His teachings,
To love their neighbor through kindness, play, and service.

Kids Praise | Meets in Children’s Theater

Kids praise is an interactive worship experience that allows kids to meet Jesus and the church where they are. During the 11:15 am worship, children 4 years (fully potty trained) through 3rd grade are invited to Kids Praise right before the sermon. Kids Praise is located in the Children’s Theater behind the Sanctuary. To participate in Kids Praise your child must be checked in through our Check-In station located in the Narthex outside the Sanctuary

Small Groups/Sunday School | Drop off in Children’s Theater

Children 4 years through 3rd grade are invited to participate in Smalls Groups on Sunday morning from 10-11 am. Please bring your child to the Children’s Theater first. Our children’s classrooms are located in the hall behind the Sanctuary.

Upcoming Events

Throughout the year we have many events that bring families in our church and community together. Some of our events for Children include VBS, #EggThyNeighbor, Wildwood Wednesdays Kids and more. Check out our Upcoming Events section on our homepage or contact Jessica McMullen, minister of children and families,


Jessica McMullen
Minister of Children and Families